Houston Tactical Training 
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Contact us at: [email protected]

From our point of view, the pistol is primarily a defensive weapon, of course, we enjoy the recreational and competitive aspects as well.  We will offer courses that develop the safe handling of firearms and the skills needed to employ the pistol in the manner that interests you.  We will teach:

- The NRA Basic Pistol Course

- Introduction to Defensive Pistol (Introduction to handling a Pistol in a self defense environment 4 hrs $200 for private session or $150 for a class)

- Basic Defensive Pistol Course (Introduction to Counter Ambush with a Pistol and Drills for reinforcement - 8 hrs.)

- Intermediate Defensive Pistol Course (Advanced Fighting Skills and Drills reinforcing good shooting fundamentals - 8 hrs.)

- Advanced Defensive Pistol Course - Surviving the Fight (The culmination of your firearms training.  Focus will be on employing all the techniques learned to stop threats and protect yourself and others during the fight - 8 hrs.)

Rifle Classes

The Rifle is a very versatile tool in Close Quarters, as well as, Long Range Hunting or Protection.  We will have several classes, each focusing on a particular use of the Rifle.  We will teach:

- NRA Basic Rifle course
- Hunting
- Close Quarters / Home Protection
- Long Range Tactical / Designated Marksman

Shotgun Classes

The Shotgun is a very versatile tool.  We will have several classes, each focusing on a particular use of the shotgun.  We will teach: 

- NRA Basic Shotgun course
- Hunting
- Close Quarters / Home Protection
- Use of the Shotgun in a tactical setting

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